

Posted at — Apr 11, 2020

NMAP Port Scanning

Initial Shell Enumeration

Web Enumeration

Index page: I checked the source code but got nothing.

Web Directory Buster :

There is only one interesting directory /cgi-bin/. Let’s run gobuster again on /cgi-bin directory.

We can find a bash file in directory /cgi-bin/.

If we download that file and check, it shows the result of executing script. after execute script. This is likely to be vulnerable to shellshock.

Check shellshock vulnerability with NMAP

As we expected, it says it is vulnerable to shellshock.

Initial Shell Exploit


Based on CVE I just modified code little bit and execute to check id: We can confirm that it is vulnerable to shellshock and we can try to get reverse shell.

ShelloShock Exploit to get reverse shell:

NC listener on attacking side:

Privilege Escalation

Check for sudo privilege:

user shelly can run /usr/bin/perl with root privilege.


Spawn new shell with perl:

And we rooted !!